Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mornings like this make me love Kentucky. It is beautiful in the spring. Several weeks ago I was at Matthew's school, (which is a big school, but there happened to be a huge window at the end of a long hallway. Out this window I saw part of a horse farm across the street from the bus loop. There were horses grazing. I thought, "What a view.") It looked like a postcard.

Yesterday I drove Matthew to school since we had been going through more sealed boxes in the garage and found a bunch of books for him to donate to his teacher's class library. The bag was pretty heavy for the bus, plus some mornings I like to make a treat for Matthew and take him to McDonald's for a McGwiddle. (How he says McGriddle.) We enjoyed the pretty drive, on a twisty road canopied by trees just starting to get leaves.

I parked in the parking lot at the school. We sat for a minute while he finished up on his breakfast, and I looked as the sun was coming up over the trees. The farm across the street along with the white blooms on the trees in the contrast looked so pretty. Almost breathtaking. (No horses out today though.) We sat for a few minutes and I watched the colors brighten.

That in the above photo is a barn. Under that window, you can see sliding doors. Yeah, some horses here have it made. This is one of several enormous farms near Matthew's school. You can see why I love the drive.

As you exit, the farm with the white fencing takes up as far as your eye can see ahead and beside you. I can picture riding in that field at a nice canter. By the way....the farm below is for sale. I know what I want for Christmas.

I'm glad I had my camera with me. They aren't great photos because they really don't do it any justice, but this is part of our 'everyday.' I wish I could have somehow captured the sunrise, the way it felt, the way I felt watching it.

 Below: my flowers have bloomed. They look so pretty. The arrangement is pretty big and very difficult to get a good photo of. I still love them.

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