Saturday, July 7, 2012

Turtle mom, more summer stuff

 "Deep in the back woods of Kentucky....."
"There's a lot of back woods people in Kentucky, but none as back woods as the turtle man."

(We love Call of the Wildman on Animal Planet.) At first I saw it and thought, "Oh please, can we not have something that perpetuates the hick Kentucky stereotype?" People here are normal. Trust me. Well, most....I still laugh about the time my sister was out here and Kroger had a bluegrass band up at the checkout lanes. What? Every store doesn't' have live bluegrass? - The more I watched this show (mainly because of a shared love of turtles with my T, the more I love it.) So when all of the kids were sitting out and drying off from going swimming today, I was moving around the pool with my head above the water. Megan said I looked like turtle man. Live action! Yeeyeeyeeeee! That picture above is me looking like I'm in the pond, looking for the tell tale sign of bubbles from a moving snapping turtle! I did find two home....and made them a salad. I love our turtles.

It is HOT. Awful hot. Today was 102 and the last I heard this heat wave is supposed to last a couple more days. Thankfully again, good neighbors, who asked if we'd like to use their pool while they went to church tonight.

Backing up here....

to the days when the weather was still nice a little over a week ago. Megan's friend has horses. They recently bought this new thoroughbred, he was trained for racing but due to a respiratory health issue he never was in an official race. He is now a super loved and spoiled show jumper. His name is Cowboy, he is four years old, and he has got to be the biggest horse I have ever seen that wasn't a draft horse. He is gorgeous!

Megan's friend was down in Louisville, but her mom asked me if we'd like to come over and ride since the horses needed some exercise. I loved it. The boys even rode for a bit but ended up having more fun chasing barn cats, playing with the bunnies (background, second picture below) and playing with the dog. They also have a pond with a noisy croaking frog. We all had a great night over there, playing with animals and hanging out in the barn.

 Below: Megan's first batch of homemade loaves of bread. She has been very domestic this summer. She has checked out cookbooks from the library, and looks for recipes online. She has really enjoyed learning how to cook. - We have enjoyed it as well. She has made some really tasty things from chicken dishes, pesto from our basil plants, to baked desserts.
 Goofy face on the 4th of July.
I'm still promising to catch up on those vacation pictures!

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